Friday, December 9, 2016

Cuckoo's Nest Posts

Part 1

  Kesey offers a strong critique of society, government, and societal institutions-- that they would rather keep man "docile, unnoticed, and even "insane" rather than risk non-conformity, thinking for himself, and challenging authority.  This is represented through the them of man vs. machine.

Questions:  What are your thoughts on how Kesey presents this notion through Chief, McMurphy, and the other patients?  Which specific moment in the text most aptly express the extended metaphor of man vs. machine?

Part 2- End

1.  What are your thoughts on the portrayal of women in this text?  Can we say that Kesey is perpetuating the stereotypes of women present in both society and in literature?  Many critics deem this text as being "anti-female" do you agree, disagree, or "sit on the fence" regarding this idea?

2.  The author Flanner O'Connor has written, " I am interested in making a good case for distortion because I am coming to believe that  is the only way to make people see."  Connect this concept to the text. How do the distortions contribute to the text as a whole?

3.  Consider the character of McMurphy.  Is he the ultimate hero?  Why?  Why not?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Frankenstein Questions for Discussion

Answer 2 of the following open-ended questions:


  1. In his afterword in the Signet Classics edition of Frankenstein, Harold Bloom asserts that “all Romantic horrors are diseases of excessive consciousness, of the self unable to bear the self.” Does this Romantic characteristic apply to Victor and his treatment of the creature? Explain. Consider the fact that Victor never gives the creature a name.
2.  Explore the concept of Nature vs. Nurture in this novel.  What do you think Shelley asserts regarding the concept of evilness being innate or the role of parents/society in the molding of a human being?

3.  Explore the parallels between Victor and the Monster (creator and creation)

4. Discuss the role of Nature in this text. What does it provide for the plot, characterization, extended metaphor, etc. (not just setting!).

Monday, September 26, 2016

Wide Sargasso Sea Discussion Questions

Wide Sargasso Sea

1.  Setting and characterization are inextricably linked throughout the text of this novel.  Discuss and analyze how setting is a dominant factor in this text.  Additionally, discuss the paradoxical perception that is Rochester(white, British lens) has of the West Indies and the concept of the "exotic" or "the Other."

2.  Madness is a powerful motif throughout this text.  Dissect the madness of Annette(Antoinette's mother) and of Antoinette(Bertha).  Is madness inherent, or is it acquired through events and circumstances?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thunder Dog Post 2

2.  This semester you will be participating in the Senior 20 program which will have you exploring your passions, inspirations, and aspirations.  Analyze Hingson in terms of his passions, inspirations, and aspirations.

Thunder Dog Prompt 1

1.  A focus of the One School- One Book program this year is "Show Your GRIT."  Reference and reflect upon ways that Hingson shows his GRIT -Growth, Resilience, Independence, Tenacity.

Jane Eyre Prompt 2

2. Bertha Mason is one of the most mysterious characters ever to be written in literature. What are your thoughts about Bertha in the way that she is described/portrayed in Jane Eyre?!

Jane Eyre Prompt 1

1. Jane Eyre is  the quintessential coming-of-age-tale, deeply impacted by social class and status; however, gender plays an integral role in this text. Analyze Jane's transformation--additionally, discuss your thoughts regarding the ending of the novel. Does Jane "sell-out" or does she maintain her integrity?


Tale of Two Cities Post 2

2. Choose 1 of the following fascinating characters to dissect and analyze: Madame DeFarge, Stryver, Charles Darnay, Doctor Manette, Miss Pross

Tale of Two Cities Post 1

1. This book depicts the heroic journey of a central character . Discuss your thoughts on Sydney Carton's transformation throughout the text. How and why does he evolve?