Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thunder Dog Post 2

2.  This semester you will be participating in the Senior 20 program which will have you exploring your passions, inspirations, and aspirations.  Analyze Hingson in terms of his passions, inspirations, and aspirations.


  1. Hingson had many passions such as HAM radio and physics. HAM radio was something that Hingson could fully be a part of even though he was blind. Physics was a much harder passion for Hingson to be involved in as he could not see much of what was being talked about and there were many stigmas against him which prevented him from getting his doctorate. Hingson was inspired by his father who had worked tirelessly to provide for his family and make sure that they had the best quality of life possible as he worked countless hours as a TV repair man. Hingson had the aspiration to function the same as a sighted person and bedsides a few differences Hingson accomplished just that.

  2. Hingson was full of passions, inspirations, and aspirations. He would carry on after his father to admire television and radios. In school, he was passionate about books, as soon as he was able to read braille. Learning became his very own fantasy, as he delved into many subjects with his new found skill. Later on, during his higher education, he would become interested in physics, though it became difficult for him to accomplish his goal. Hingson draws inspiration from his family, and other blind people as well. His family was hard working and did not give him preferential treatment as a blind person. Hingson drew more inspiration from his father, as exemplified when Hingson's father defended his son's interests. Hingson was not allowed to go on his school's bus due to bringing a guide dog, however, hingson's father would bring the issue to the state government, where he was able to resolve the problem. Through his parent's guidance, Hingson was able to move forward in life. In terms of aspirations, Hingson sought to lead a meaningful life with purpose and direction, with the goal of becoming successful and independent. Considering that he was a successful business man, in a world of people with sight, Hingson realized his aspirations.

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  4. Though Hingson was thought by many to be in some way impaired by his blindness, he rather used it as a means of fueling his passions and ambitions. For one, Hingson took a serious interest in HAM radio communications, a likely hobby for the son of a TV repairman during his childhood. During this period of life he also found great leisure and fulfillment in riding his bike, which many of his neighbors chastised his family for allowing him to do. This however only empowered him as those who supported him further encouraged him to be outgoing and take risks regularly. From the very beginning, Michael Hingson was raised to have a positive attitude, to accept and surmount as many of life's challenges as he could. He cites several examples during the book, of when members of his family set this type of an example for him, such as when his father and other parents of blind children pressured the school into hiring a braille teacher. Hingson also aspired to study physical science during his college years at UC Irvine, which he used as an opportunity to expand his independence, leading him to a stable and successful future life. His success can be largely attributed to the positive mental attitude that was instilled in him by his family and friends who by example showed him that he could follow his passions and be anything he aspired to become.

    1. I agree that a large part of his success is due to his family. Although his parents were very caring, and supportive, Hingson did not receive any preferential treatment as a result of his blindness. As a result of this support and upbringing from his parents, Hingson was able to become a competitive and successful person, in a world somewhat set to work against him.

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  5. Michael Hingson is a very ambitious and optimistic man. Throughout Thunder Dog, it was apparent that Hingson did not let obstacles keep him from pursuing his interests and passions. For example, Hingson was interested in HAM radio and physics and pursued both of these. After learning braille, Hingson also enjoyed reading. His desire to enjoy life and to live as if he did not have a disability was supported by his family. He was never treated as if he was blind by his family, so he grew up living a relatively normal life. He had aid when it was needed but he learned to do a lot of things without the help of others, which only fueled his aspirations. He was inspired by his parents, who instilled in him the idea that his opportunities were not limited and that he could do anything he wanted to do. Although he was successful in nearly everything he set his mind to, he still faced obstacles. For example, his neighbors did not approve of him riding his bike around the neighborhood, yet he continued to do so. This is just one example of other people doubting Hingson's capabilities. He proved many people wrong through his accomplishments and ended up becoming a very successful businessman.

  6. Michael Hingson is a very optimistic man despite his frequent encounters with people who classify him as disabled. Throughout Hingson's life, he seemed to easily find new hobbies and passions and did not let any obstacles stop him. Hingson was interested in HAM radio and physics. Although some interests were harder to learn than others, Hingson made everything possible for himself with hard work. He also learned braille and was able to communicate with others in a new way. Hingson was also interested in the world and wanted to learn everything he could about the environment around him. Hingson was inspired by his father who worked as a TV repair man. His father let him know that he could do anything that he put his mind to. He was also inspired by other members of his family who treated him no different than everyone else. They allowed him to learn about life on his own and let him make his own path. He also loves his wife and is inspired by her as well. Although he faces multiple obstacles each day, Michael Hingson is a strong man who is motivating because of his accomplishments and hardships.

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  8. Michael Hingson's aspirations were never hindered by the judgment of others. This was mainly because his parents taught him that his blindness was not a disability ,but rather an obstacle that one could overcome. For example, his father helped him find a passion that did not require sight, the ham radio. Hingson took advantage of this platform and worked to help military personnel connect with their loved ones while they were overseas. Most people assume that blindness impairs an individual to the point where they can not be independent. Hingson addresses this stereotype by proving that he is capable of taking care of himself and is a productive member of society. Another passion that his father introduced him to was religion. While explaining his time in the World Trade Center, Hingson reveals that he has always loved God. He had spent many years exploring and interpreting the Bible. He came to the conclusion that he would always have a friendship with the Lord.This bond with God helped him to get out of the towers because he felt that God was watching over him. Hingson's principal aspiration was to prove that his blindness would not inhibit him. Throughout the entire story, he recalls various occasions were he proved individuals wrong, such as, when he rode his bike around his neighborhood or his success in college. Overall, Hingson's parents were the most prominent source of his inspiration. His parents provided him with a sense of confidence despite his blindness. They continually encouraged him to learn from his mistakes and benefit from them. Hingson serves as a form of inspiration for others because of his vast achievements.

    1. I agree. Michael's family had a huge impact on him in that they never stopped him from achieving his goals. Not only is Michael an inspiration to all, but his family is aswell.

  9. Michael Hingson was a man who wouldn't take no for an answer. Through reading Thunder Dog we learn of the many passions, inspirations, and aspirations he has. He was inspired by everything around him. His family members always treating him as an equal and always telling him he can do whatever he puts his mind to inspired him in his life. They got him to be a person who tried everything and didn't let obstacles in the road stop him from doing anything. He was passionate about being able to do everything as someone who can see can do. He was passionate about HAM radio, physics, and learning about new technology and ways of communicating. During his 9/11 experience we also see how passionate he is about his connection with God. Through being so passionate and having many aspirations he never stops challenging himself to learn new things. He finds ways to cheat out his blindness and overcome all problems that are thrown his way.

  10. Michael Hingson is just like everyone else when it comes to having passions, aspirations, and inspirations. Michael's passions were always his education and his HAM radio. He loved the radio and became successful as radio show host. He enjoyed what he did and he never gave it up. Also, his education is his passion because of his pursuit of perfection in the physics aspect of his education. He was determined to be viewed as a student of physics like everyone else. Contributing to his determined attitude was his inspiration. His father was his inspiration as well as his religion. He was inspired by his father because he admired his perseverance and overall can do attitude on life. Also, his faith really led him to be the man he is because it inspired him to push on and be the best at whatever he wanted to do. HE always felt God with him and knew that he was safe as long as he believed. Lastly, Michael had aspirations to be more than just labeled as blind. He was determined to leave a legacy and he aspired to be great in everything he did. He had obstacles but he always overcame them and he never stopped trying to achieve his goals. He is a brave man, and a man that will never let his blindness handicap him.

  11. Michael Hingston did not let his blindness define him, he let his passions and interest define him. Through out the book he mentions his passions. He describes how he loves the radio which isn't surprising because one doesnt need sight to enjoy the radio. However he had a passion for physics and he was very good at it. Most people with perfect vision can't even do physics, so it is incredible that Michael is so talented in that subject. He also talks about how he is inspired by his family and friends. His father overcame many hardships and was successful. He is also inspired by his friends who often forget he is blind. His wife is also his inspiration because she is in a wheelchair yet she does amazing things. Michael also has aspirations like any other person. For example, he wants to one day be able to drive a car on the roads which would be an amazing step forward for all blind people. What I find most amazing is that the pretty much anything Michael puts his mind to, he accomplishes. For example, he flew a plane, and he helped get many programs for the blind started. Michael not only has inspiration, passions, and aspirations, but he is an inspiration to all people.

    1. I agree with your comment on how his father was a big inspiration to Michael. His father never seem to stop fighting for Michael's rights. I also agree with the statement that Michael is an inspiration to all since he has accomplished many tasks and he is disabled by his blindness.

  12. Hingson did not let anything get in his way that would prevent him from exploring his passions, inspirations, and aspirations. Throughout his story, he did not let his disability get in the way of anything that he wanted to do. Once he learned braille, he became extremely passionate about learning and his education. He grew extremely interested in physics, which was one of the more difficult studies he could have chosen. Although, he was passionate about it and was not going to let people telling him he could not do it stop him. Also, he was very passionate about his HAM radio. He pursued this passion and eventually became a successful radio show host talking about things that he loved. His family also inspired him to be the best that he could be. Since they did not treat him like he was blind, he was able to aspire to be anything that he wanted to be. By allowing Hingson to have the freedom he did as a child to do what he wanted to do, he was given the ability to make goals and realize that his goals were capable of being reached. I think that Hingson's passions and aspirations really define who he is. He was never held back or discouraged by his blindness, which serves as an inspiration to all of us.

  13. Michael Hingson lets it be known that he is very driven by his passions, inspirations, and aspirations. Hingson was very passionate about acting as a person who didn't have any restricting disability. He was driven and passionate about learning how to ride a bike, playing outside with kids his own age, going to school, learning Braille, going to college, driving a car, working at the World Trade Center, and living as normal of a life as possible. He was also inspired by many people. Sharon was a blind lady who inspired him to get a guide dog since she was very independent and happy with her own dog. Another big inspiration to Michael was his dad. His dad was a very optimistic man that encouraged Michael to chase his dreams. His dad would not back down to their neighbors calling him to advise him to not let their blind child ride his bike. His father also helped Michael fight back when the school told Michael guide dogs were not permitted on the school bus. In the end, Michael was able to travel to school with his dog. Therefore his father's attitude allowed Michael to gain the confidence to accomplish what he set his mind to. Readers also learned about Michael's aspirations. Michael worked with the National Federation for the Blind and worked to make everyday tasks easier for people disabled with blindness. One of the projects he worked on was a reading machine that read out loud what was written on documents to the blind. He also had the goal of diminishing the prejudice against blind people. He wants it to be known that a blind person is as capable to complete the majority of everyday tasks than a person with vision is. He showed this when he didn't allow firefighters to help him down the stairs, when he didn't stop looking for jobs after people hung up on him due to his disability, and when he didn't describe blindness as a handicap. These passions, inspirations, and aspirations were evidently shown in "Thunder Dog", along with many others.

  14. Not everyone will push everything out of the way to chase their dreams, but Hingson is a unique and bold individual. From a very young age, Hingson was captivated by HAM radio communications and also delved deep into the world of physics. Despite various struggles in the classroom with teachers not describing their lessons verbally, Hingson quickly advanced in the academic world and pursued his various interests. He learned to ride a bicycle and continuously rode around the neighborhood, teaching himself the layout of his world without the power of sight. This exploration was a highlight of Hingson’s childhood years, and he refused to let the complaints and worries of neighbors repel him. Hingson strove to find a manageable way to read and helped develop computerized speech methods so that large bodies of text could be read to him. Additionally, he developed an interest in Braille and quickly learned to make good use of this convenient system. He encouraged others to educate themselves in a similar way so that fellow blind people could experience just as many layers of the world. His parents taught him to never settle for anything other than his dreams, and that’s exactly what Hingson did. Hingson never viewed his blindness as a disability, for he knew that he could accomplish just as much as any person with functioning eyes. Instead, he embraced his difference as a new perspective on the world and a challenge that he would continuously overcome with both excitement and determination.

    1. I totally agree with your statement that Hingson tries to embrace life rather than just accept defeat. Hingson is a great example of determination because of his positive outlook.

  15. Hingson is a very passionate man. He takes pleasure is learning about technology and science and applying it to everyday life. For example, he uses the HAM radio to help people in the military communicate with their loved ones while they were overseas. Another passion of Hingson’s is his desire for the blind to be further accepted into society and given equal opportunities to succeed and become independent. Hingson himself goes through many troubles trying to help the blind become more active members of society by openly fighting against the discrimination of blind people. Hingson often references instances where he had heard blind citizens were turned down and not given opportunities to showcase their skills when it came to getting jobs or starting their careers. Michael never let his blindness get in the way of working, no matter what other people told him he could not do. He was passionate about equal opportunities for the blind. He also has many inspirations along the way. I believe his parents were the first inspirations that Michael wrote about in his book. They always pushed him to grow up in a “normal” neighborhood and did not want him to get special treatment or judged based on his inability to see. His parents inspired him to overcome this obstacle and challenged him to become a better person by seeing the good in everyone. Another inspiration to Michael was his wife who was in a wheelchair. She, like Michael, did not let this obstacle get the best of her, but overcame it through determination and strength.

    1. I agree with you that the inspiration of both his parents and his wife were essential to his growth and underlying confidence. Without his parents' support and acceptance of his disability, Hingson would not have experienced the layers of life he deserved. He is lucky to have had this support throughout his lifetime.

  16. Even at a young age, Michael Hingson demonstrated his passion and excitement towards learning and making new discoveries. When it came to learning how to read with braille or becoming interested in physics, his blindness did not prevent him from excelling in what he was passionate about. Instead, he decided to utilize his gifts and help others through communications, raising dogs for the blind, and empathizing with others in need. However, Hingson would not be where he was today if it were not for those who inspired and encouraged him throughout his life. From the day he was first discovered to be blind, Michael's parents were always there to support him. His mother allowed him to realize he needed to depend more upon his ears to help him get around after knocking into a coffee table, a skill proven to be very crucial in the 9/11 attacks. His father also inspired him to help others as Michael followed in his footsteps with communications overseas. Both Michael's wife, Karen, and his seeing-eye dog, Roselle, encouraged Michael to keep moving and be strong when things are not always how they are supposed to be. Additionally, one of Michael's biggest inspirations was God who blessed and protected him during the attacks as well as guided him to discover his purpose in life. For example, Michael finds it to be greatly important to raise awareness for the blind and help people understand that being blind is not a disability, but is more of a gift used to inspire others. Thus, he aspires to help and provide assistance for anyone who needs encouragement or care, which Michael was able to discover through his family, friends, and faith. He also aims to be seen as a normal human being who is just as capable to ride a bike, drive a car, go to college, and work in the World Trade Center, as any other person could. Michael's passions, inspirations, and aspirations in his life allowed him to become a great symbol of strength, positivity, and determination.

  17. Michael Hingson is a very ambitious man with many passions and aspirations. One of his many passions, radio, is mentioned various times in his book and had actually helped him grow as a person socially in college. Another very important passion that Hingson possesses is his fight for recognition and acceptance of disabilities such as blindness. Hingson was able to work with various organizations and people who were making technology for the blind as well as do many things that blind people usually wouldn’t have the opportunity to do such as drive and fly a plane. He uses his charisma to fuel this fight for acceptance of blindness and he expresses how people shouldn't be treated differently for their disabilities. It’s very clear that Michael Hingson's disability does not define him and does not stop him for doing what he loves to do and he wants to express that to others so they don't feel discriminated against either. These passions and aspirations make him a very determined and successful person who is very influential to others.

  18. Michael Hingson was curious about various things, and he did not allow his blindness to stop his discoveries. He was able to bike and drive, even though he was blind and could not see what was in his path. He also learned, and was able to get a masters, in physics, a science that uses various visual tools, such as graphs or calculators. He learned and succeeded in whatever interested him, and enjoyed the process. His religion and his family inspired him to improve himself and go belong what most people thought he could do.

  19. Michael Hingson had an array of passions from childhood to adulthood. As he was growing up and learned Braille, he began to love reading books. During his high school and college years, he fell in love with HAM radio, physics, and technology. When Michael find something that he throughly enjoys, he never lets it go. He even mentioned how he still has his collection of HAM radio show tapes. However its not necessarily a shock that Hingson has passions and interests. A large part of his passions and interests stem from the independence and confidence that his father instilled in him ever since he was young. Being blind never faded him and he continued to enjoy things just like anyone else. As he got older his passion also shifted to more serious issues such as equal treatment for the blind. He showed his desire to be treated equally when he returned to a restarsunt that denied him entry with a group of 8 blind people and guide dogs. Michael is creative with his ways to fight back and truly does not go down without a fight. He never once thought that he was differnet from his blindness so others shouldnt as well.

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  21. Michael Hingson had a multitude of passions, ranging everywhere from HAM radio to creating a civil rights movement for blind people. Ever since he was a little boy, he never let his disability get in the way of being able to do anything he wanted to do. In high school he developed his love for HAM radio with his father as a bonding experience. Ever since then he has collected vintage radio tapes, keeping the habit close to his heart. In college he developed a love for physics, which he majored in, and all things science, and although it takes many visual tools to learn about physics he pushed through that boundary and excelled anyway. His biggest passion, however, would always be justice for the blind. From an early age when he and his father protested the school board for not allowing him and his service dog on the school bus, he has been a passionate advocate for the blind. His experience with the daily injustice they face has made him aware of the struggles and willing to do anything it takes to fight them.

  22. Michael Hingson has always aspired to be a normal productive member of society ever since the earliest of his childhood, this seems to have driven his other aspirations, passions and inspirations. To inspire himself he looked, figuratively, to other blind people such as Sharon Gold who encouraged him to get a guide dog after he met Nola. His family was another great source of inspiration, both his parents tirelessly worked to make sure everyone accepted him and his brother and cousins played an important part in proving that he could thrive in an unadulterated environment. His passions while being HAM radio, physics, and other seemingly undoable exercises, he surmounts and always finds a way to fit in because he is so involved for it. Mr. Hingson is a complex character as are most human beings, but in these categories he far outshines most of us.

  23. With the odds stacked thoroughly against him, Michael Hingson pursued his passions and aspirations just as a "normal" person would. When he was young, he found a love for HAM radio as well as a fascination with physics. Though he faced a myriad of seemingly insurmountable challenges, Hingson never accepted defeat. He was inspired by his parents who encouraged him and supported his aspirations. Hinson's passion for finding new ways to communicate led him to help make break throughs in technology and to reach and surpass his academic goals. Learning physics was one of the most difficult things Hingson was faced with academically, but he defied the odds and created success for himself. Hingson did not wait around for things to happen to him. He had quite a few passions and aspirations and he worked tirelessly to make sure he could pursue them.

  24. Hingson strove to not let his blindness set him apart from the average man, resolving to not “rely unnecessarily on other people and…never play the blind card.” He had passions just like anyone else would. From a young age he was interested in HAM radio. Later as he learned braille, he enjoyed reading and pursued a degree in physics. He also was passionate about his faith, having spent many hours studying God with his father who inspired him not only in this area, but in many others too. His father, and his mother, inspired him to be the best he could be and to continue to fight for his dreams despite the obstacles he was faced with. Hingson always aspired to be seen as an equal and often worked with projects that would benefit the blind community, such as the Kurzweil Reading Machine. He became a successful businessman and stood up for blind rights again and again, for instance when he testified against Delta Airlines for wrongfully throwing him off of a flight because he was blind. After the events on September 11, 2001, he aspired to have a meaningful life and left his job to share his story around the world in order to give people a better perspective on blindness. Hingson teaches people that “The real problem is not the blindness but the mistaken attitudes about it.”
